Thursday, June 16, 2011

Really? Every Year?

Is this Televisions fate?

        Every year we have to deal with this nonsense, networks promote these shows more than blockbuster movies. They strut out some actor/actress to do interviews on anybody's show that's willing to entertain the idea of yet another crime drama or hospital show. They place ads everywhere for your eyes to see, they've even began to promote certain shows by placing flyers in video game boxes. This level of brainwashing is cool, I get it these people are out to make money and lots of it. I'm not hating on this process, believe me when I say you can't knock the hustle. What I can knock however, is after all this promotion and brainwashing a show that shows so much promise being cancelled without being given a chance to grow and build an audience. It seems like the only major network willing to do this is CBS. Granted it's a lot of old people sleep in front of their televisions after the evening news. These shows have been able to last for multiple seasons. At this point it seems that I'm pretty much forced to watch CBS so that I can have something to watch on network TV. It has become more and more apparent that TV is headed to some dark times. With all the reality shows that have spawned, I think at this point reality TV and Google are 1 and the same. There isn't anything you can't look up on Google and there isn't a reality show that doesn't exist. It seems that for every TV show that is cancelled 2 reality shows are born. What happened to the days of letting a show have its ups and downs? Are we past that point due to the 1,000 other channels including Internet TV? With the cancellation of such promising shows such as Detroit 187 and Chicago Code, why is it that cable networks allow their shows time to grow and change things up if need be? Honestly how long would Psych have lasted on NBC, maybe 8 episodes? But USA gives them a chance and now there on their 6th season. NBC ditches Southland because Jay Leno was bored at home with his car collection and now I don't know a soul that watches his show but yet everybody tunes into Southland on TNT of all channels. So now were basically stuck with a TON of reality shows about any and everything from animal hoarders to junkies. Seriously they put a camera in the face of a junkie and watch them get high! There are more non actors on TV now than ever, seems like all one has to do is live in LA and make a porno or know someone famous and you to can become a reality star and be filmed while you have scripted arguments because the producers said you're to quiet.  But for some reason Detroit 187 can't be on the air because.....?
          Please don't get me wrong, alot of the shows that were on did deserve their fate. For example ABC had to dump Mr. Sunshine: even the commercials were corny and M. Perry really needs to come to grips that he's NOT Chandler. The  Gates was something that could air on MTV, No Ordinary Family simply was The Incredibles and no one wanted to admit it. V was one show that they probably should have just left alone but a poor programming schedule and too many breaks doomed that show but Syfy may give it a chance since there is a core audience for shows like that.
          Networks allow for summer programming to be just plain bad which leads me to ask why not just put some of the shows that were on the bubble on during the summer. If people still don't tune in then what's the worst that's going to happen, it's going to get canceled? Seems to me that cable networks are becoming more and more aware of the fact that Networks are scared to take chances on letting a show run its course and have decided to do the opposite.
Out of the 78 network shows that aired from 2010-11 33 have been canceled. So of the 45 left are they're going to be given a chance to grow or if their numbers start off low next season will they be given the axe for yet another reality show? Seriously there are way to many of those shows on TV and its beginning to get weird.
          Understandably there are going to be shows that simply don't have what it takes to draw in viewership on a weekly basis but when you have to compete with the numerous reality shows and sporting events maybe the rating system needs to be tweaked just alittle to gives shows a chance.